Common addressing & delivery issues we face & how to tackle them!

Common addressing & delivery issues we face & how to tackle them!
Common addressing & delivery issues we face & how to tackle them!

Let’s admit it, explaining your address on the phone is quite a task! We all love shopping and ordering food online, but we also truly hate explaining our addresses repeatedly when deliveries are made. Addresses can be sometimes long or confusing or even identical, and navigating to them becomes a huge feat for the delivery workforce. And what about being available at the right time when the order is delivered? Hasn’t that been a challenge too? How much we regret missing out on that important delivery which made our future plans or celebrations fall apart!

 Let’s have a look at some statistics to understand the big picture –

73.6% of consumers reported that delivery is most important to the overall online shopping experience

61% of consumers want faster deliveries

84% of customers will not repurchase after one poor delivery experience.

Internet retail sales in India jumped from $290.4 billion to $1.6 trillion between 2008-2018 which has created an army of delivery fleet on the roads. This has increased the cases of rash driving to make faster deliveries and also resulted in lost lives. Another major issue with the poor chaotic Indian addressing system is the carbon footprint we create because of poor last-mile navigation.

Therefore, a smart system is required that helps to share, search and navigate addresses without any delays and with high accuracy. But where can we find such a solution which simplifies addressing and navigation?

Pataa app provides the smartest digital addressing solution and solves a number of issues such as addressing of unnamed streets or roads and explaining addresses repeatedly to the approaching people by making addresses unique and personalized thus ensuring complete accuracy during navigation via maps. 

This is done by standardizing addresses and making long addresses short. At the same time, the tracking of the person who is approaching your address can be done in real-time through a single tap!

The benefits of the Pataa app are limitless. Pataa not only helps commuters but also the logistics and package delivery workforce. The delivery guys can now travel the shortest path during their daily visits. Imagine the amount of resource and fuel-saving that comes along with this! Here are some of the industry-first features of the Pataa app that make addressing & navigation just so simple-

  • One-word unique code for your long address
  • 3×3 sq. m blocks to mark the exact location 
  • Guide your guest to your location with voice directions 
  • Visualize the live location of your approaching visitor
  • Get Extensions for people sharing the same address
  • Disable routes that are blocked or out-of-service

So, download the Pataa app to make your address simple, navigable, and loved by everyone who visits you!

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