Navigating and locating addresses when commuting on the road is not as easy as it seems! Online maps and directions are complex to understand especially in a country like India which has a chaotic web of roads.
Finding an address accurately and quickly can sometimes become the most important concern, especially in the concrete jumble of urban landscapes. Imagine what delays and failures can result in, cases as simple as pizza delivery to serious ones like the routing of ambulance or fire brigades. That’s not all, haven’t we all been frustrated due to the failed deliveries of our online shopping packages.
But some serious issues can crop up due to deliveries made haphazardly – On average two or three delivery boys land up in the hospital due to rash driving. Let’s not forget the carbon footprint that repeated attempts to deliver create. Additional CO2 from the second delivery attempt increases the emissions per drop by 9 – 75% more!
The need for an advanced Digital Addressing system is real, one that helps to discover and navigate addresses quickly and accurately. Do you know that route optimization platforms can save up to 40% in driving time and fuel consumption?
The Pataa app simplifies the routing and navigation of addresses through the innovative concept of Digital Addressing. But the way Pataa does it is completely out-of-the-box. The app users can choose their own unique single-word code or Pataa and mark Landmarks, record voice directions, suggest optimal routes etc.
By simplifying your long complex address into a unique short code, Pataa app makes it easy to share, remember, search, and navigate. No more explaining and typing addresses repeatedly, just share your Pataa on a single tap and say goodbye to all hassles.
Enjoy these incredible benefits once you have created your Pataa –
∙ Forget typing & explaining long addresses
∙ No sharing of phone number or any details
∙ Reach right up to the doorstep of an address
∙ Never miss your online deliveries
∙ Optimize last-mile delivery for your business
So, download the Pataa app now to simplify your address and navigate to other addresses efficiently!